Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We've Been Reviewed!!!

Sweet Baby Girl Jewelry was featured today on A Few of My Favorite Things - a wonderful blog from a mother in NYC with twin girls.

She is obsessed with finding beautiful and unique things for her little girls and our jewelry has made the cut! She mentions several of our products and has only great things to say - thank goodness! We are doing a giveaway and discount for her readers, so check it out and take advantage of the deals for yourself!


Monday, August 16, 2010

NEW...Personalized Name Necklaces!!!

We are SO excited to add these necklaces to our website! I think any young lady will feel special wearing a necklace made especially for her! Available in sterling silver or 18k gold plated sterling silver. It makes a great gift for an upcoming birthday, the holidays or just because she's been a
sweet girl. Order one today!

Monday, August 2, 2010

August Already!!!

Can you believe it is already August???
Bring on the 100 degree weather and let's enjoy the last month of summer!

The birthstone for August is Peridot.

Our precious birthstone bracelet is a great gift for a princess with a birthday this month.
The light green stone will compliment any skin tone and will go with any outfit!
Plus, jewelry just makes a little girl feel pretty!


We also have birthstone earrings if your fashionista prefers some bling on her ears!


We all know that birthdays are a time to celebrate and our Birthday Hats by Trumpette are another great buy if you have a party coming up.


See, there are fun ways to beat the heat this month - shopping on sweetbabygirljewelry.com!

Whether you have a gift to buy or just want to get your little girl ready for back to school, shop today to find something special!