Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's a Family Tradition some families, getting your first piece of jewelry is part of a longstanding tradition. I still have my first little gold ring in my baby book. I am sure many of you have one too.

I also remember getting my first "real" piece of jewelry. It was an emerald ring (my birthstone) and I loved it. Of course, in a matter of days I had lost it! I was so scared to tell my parents and it was no surprise they were mad when I gave them the news. Luckily, it wasn't too expensive, so everyone got over it in a week or so. YEARS later, I found the ring! It was in a purse in my closet that I must have played with as a little girl but never actually used. During one of my mandatory closet clean-outs (thanks mom!), I pulled out everything and there was the purse. When I checked all the pockets looking for change, trash, lipsticks...there it was. It still fit my finger and I wore it proudly. To think, it was there all that time - I didn't really lose it!

I still have it in my jewelry box today...
The moral of the story for me (other than learning to take better care of my things) was that you should never give a small child a really nice piece of jewerly. There are exceptions of course - if you are passing down something that has been in the family and you want your daughter to have it one day and you keep it somewhere safe until she is ready for it. Or it's a beautiful gold band like the one I had when I was born and it is more of a keepsake than meant to be worn.
Sweet Baby Girl Jewelry is a great place to shop for a little girl's first bauble.
Birthstone bracelets or earrings are an obvious choice and are made with colored crystals instead of gemstones - so they won't break the bank!

Our freshwater pearl bracelets and necklaces are also a wonderful choice. Every girl needs her first set of pearls and ours are so beautiful! Many give them as gifts for a little girl's baptism.

Whether you are continuing a family tradition or wanting to start one of your own, you must visit Sweet Baby Girl. I promise you will find something special!